Cost of obtaining a Green Card

The cost of obtaining a Green Card depends on the type of Green Card and the applicant’s situation. There are fees to be paid in the four main situations for obtaining a Green Card.

How much does a Green Card obtained by lottery cost?

The Green Card lottery enables over 50,000 foreign nationals to win the right to obtain a Green Card. Participation in the draw is free of charge. However, applicants will have to pay a diversity visa fee to the U.S. administration to obtain the Green Card won in the lottery.

These fees are non-refundable and go directly to the U.S. State Department. Fees are assessed to cover the costs incurred by the Department in administering the DV program and are separate from any fees you will be required to pay to USCIS as part of your visa application.

The fee for a diversity visa obtained through the Green Card lottery is US$330 per person applying as a lottery-selected candidate. Payment of these fees must be made before processing of the file accepted byUSCIS can continue. The amount depends on the Green Card applicant’s initial status.

To secure your participation in the next annual draw, you must complete the Green Card lottery registration form.

How much does a Green Card for Family Based Immigration cost?

A foreign citizen wishing to live permanently in the United States needs an immigrant visa. This visa can be obtained by being sponsored by an immediate relative who is a US citizen or legal permanent resident.

There are two types of family based immigration visa

For both types of visa: The fee is US$325 per person. These fees are non-refundable.