The U.S. Diversity Visa Program

What is the Diversity Visa Program?

The Diversity Visa Program is a U.S. government initiative designed to diversify the U.S. immigrant population. Every year, over 50,000 visas are issued to people from countries with low immigration rates to the United States. The DV Program is also known as the Green Card Lottery.

How does it work?

Participation in the Diversity Visa Program is subject to a random selection process. Applicants must submit an online application by the end of October each year. Eligibility criteria include possession of a high school diploma or its equivalent, or two years’ professional experience in a field requiring at least two years’ training or experience within the last five years.

Who can benefit?

Nationals of countries with low immigration rates to the United States are eligible. Each year, the U.S. State Department publishes a list of countries whose nationals may not participate. People from countries with a high rate of immigration to the United States are excluded. You can consult our statistics on our dedicated pages:

What does the program offer?

The Diversity Visa Program offers a unique opportunity to obtain permanent residency in the United States, opening the door to employment, education, and the possibility of becoming an American citizen after five years. It’s a chance for beneficiaries to experience the American dream and contribute to the cultural diversity of the United States.

What is the DV lottery?

The DV Green Card lottery is the selection process at the heart of the Diversity Visa Program. Registration is made via an online form in the last quarter of each year. The lottery results are published 6 months later. Winners are selected at random from all eligible entrants. This process ensures that all participants have an equal chance of winning, regardless of their social, economic or educational status.