Asian countries in the U.S. Green Card lottery

Every year, millions of applicants take part in the American Green Card lottery. We’ve compiled the statistics published by the State Department on to bring you the key figures for Asian citizens’ participation in the Green Card lottery.

How many Asians take part in the lottery?

Around 15% to 20% of applicants to the Green Card lottery were citizens of an Asian country in the last few years for which statistics are available.

Number of Asian registrants1 871 8241 952 4891 281 046
Total registration files14 352 01314 722 7986 741 128
Share of Asian registrants13%13%19%
Share of Asians registered for the Green Card lottery

What are the main Asian countries from which candidates come?

Here is the number of Green Card lottery applications for the top 20 Asian countries. The latest figures released by the State Department cover the years from 2019 to 2021:

Asian countries201920202021
Nepal684 180637 696421 765
Iran453 242709 469404 863
Afghanistan35 93958 71160 602
Cambodia179 662109 88146 110
Sri Lanka53 39647 70541 595
Yemen141 67962 38941 495
Jordan39 09242 11636 815
Iraq47 36840 85231 197
Saudi Arabia40 11441 01930 844
Taiwan30 60331 64024 645
Burma20 07829 50421 555
Japan24 89521 67417 181
hong kong6 3585 45115 471
Thailand10 96912 35414 187
Syria20 12414 16811 424
Mongolia10 54611 2429 871
Israel14 23412 7278 793
Indonesia10 97010 6918 440
United Arab Emirates10 28110 9648 030
Lebanon12 86811 1847 250
The top Asian countries in terms of number of participants in the U.S. green card lottery

Which lottery winners are from Asian countries?

The State Department also publishes the number of visas obtained each year through the diversity program. These lottery results are published by geographical area and detailed by country.

Here is the number of visas obtained through the Green Card lottery for the top 20 Asian countries between 2018 and 2022:

Asian countries20182019202020212022
Nepal3 3072 7952 0851 3723 345
Iran3182981312442 024
Sri Lanka360331225438583
Saudi Arabia218262143117450
United Arab Emirates6478715085
Number of visas issued by the Diversity Visa Program for major Asian countries