The Green Card lottery for European countries

Every year, millions of applicants take part in the American Green Card lottery. We’ve compiled the statistics published by the State Department on to bring you the key figures for European citizens’ participation in the Green Card lottery.

How many Europeans take part in the Green Card lottery?

Around 30% of applicants to the Green Card lottery have been citizens of a European country in the last few years for which statistics are available.

Number of European registrants4 349 5554 072 3242 014 089
Total registration files14 352 01314 722 7986 741 128
Share of European registrants30%28%30%
Share of Europeans registered for the Green Card lottery

Which are the main European countries from which candidates come?

Here is the number of applications for the Green Card lottery for the top 20 European countries. The latest figures released by the State Department cover the years from 2019 to 2021:

European countries201920202021
Uzbekistan1 813 3571 674 787466 480
Russia240 323289 910260 292
Ukraine665 764586 088210 570
Moldova323 102200 204135 992
Albania172 817181 270128 871
Turkey188 579221 271128 743
Belarus107 22398 61783 001
Armenia102 65379 62868 309
Kazakhstan55 68682 18067 593
Tajikistan62 58177 74563 944
Kyrgyzstan46 04577 54055 178
Azerbaijan93 73691 13752 659
Georgia56 78161 29250 272
Germany45 94738 61830 417
Turkmenistan15 05723 36223 907
Italy35 32628 94722 693
France34 07727 30419 947
Poland38 53925 21516 150
Romania35 36723 83015 637
Bulgaria30 64922 69614 407
The main European countries in terms of number of participants in the US green card lottery

Which lottery winners come from European countries?

The State Department also publishes the number of visas obtained each year through the diversity program. These lottery results are published by geographical area and detailed by country.

Here is the number of visas obtained through the Green Card lottery for the top 20 European countries between 2018 and 2022:

European countries20182019202020212022
Russia2 1752 5069474142 784
Ukraine2 6532 0621 1019382 636
Uzbekistan2 05882331489 2 413
Albania2 6302 2844606532 054
Kyrgyzstan3833831493581 394
Turkey1 8211 3877085881 330
Armenia1 6621 3133731331 308
Georgia6766623992651 290
Northern Macedonia2841946161224
Number of visas issued by the Diversity Visa Program for major European countries